However, commutation do not change the original sentence nor deny the validity of the original one, but rather a criminal reward to the offender for the good performance or their decreased dangerousness in the process of implementation. 但减刑并不是改变原判刑罚,也不是否定原生效判决的效力,而是根据刑罚执行过程中犯罪人的客观表现与其人身危险性的减小而给予的一种刑事奖励。
For a special purpose, the speaker can change the original focus position of a sentence by emphasizing stress or other ways, making it become a marked information focus. 指出为了特殊的交际目的,说话人也可以通过强调重音等手段,强制性地改变语句原有的焦点位置,使之形成有标记的信息焦点。